Common Questions/FAQ

Q: Why so cheap?
A: I am getting out of the sneaker game and also have hospital bills I need to cover. I am pretty ill & my priorities have changed because of that. Also, want to leave on a high note & have great feedback, because its simply in my values to do right & also to keep my reputation just in case I change my mind on wanting to keep selling. I tried to set a good price for me to profit, but also, hopefully be successful in selling on any platform.

*But, I don't consider it cheap, because I am still doubling my money. I have a pretty decent size quantity in stock also, so there is no reason for me to overcharge. The main focus is to sell them all, as quickly as possible. Yeah, healthcare prices are no joke fyi

Q:Are these Real/Guaranteed Authentic
A: Yes of course. If they weren't they'd be removed from here, also I'd be banned from PayPal and any every other platform a man sells shoes on. I believe the pics show they are real. And they all come with the official receipt. You have full Buyer Protection so if even if they weren't real, you'd get your money back ASAP.
(They are obviously real, I am just letting you know you're certainly protected when purchasing from me) 
But I've been doing this for a long time and have only been able to maintain through good customer service and always authentic products. 100% of the time.

Q; Do You Have my Size x/What sizes do you have?
A: As of now I have (pretty much) every size, but I do  have a larger stock in some certain sizes.
*Important* ~ When you are READY & ABLE TO PURCHASE, you can simply click the product you want, if you see your size, then it's available & you are one step closer to completing your order.

Q: Are you open to bulk deals/discounts when multiple pairs are bought?
A: Yes I am. Keep in mind, my price is already great. So, let's all be reasonable. However, yes, I am willing to give a little bit of a discount, but it does depend on the quantity you are desiring.

Q; Can I get a picture of ...?
A: If I was dealing with a few shoes, then maybe. But I am selling over 2 dozen pairs here. They are all legitimate GUARANTEED. I attach a good amount of pics and give great detail. If we all know the shoes are new & real, then the need for a bunch of extra pics is something I find unnecessary. PLEASE UNDERSTAND Same shoes, all real... Only Sizes Vary. In regards to anything I mark 'used', I try to attach even more pics, if you need more for some reason, contact me on Instagram @laflamekicks305 ~ But once again they are real and well described. You can relax my friend.

~ You literally have no reason to be scared or hesitant, but I'll be glad to remove any doubts. And am going to make myself available for messages and all customer inquires.
(if you really have any at this point, I feel I've been very clear 路‍♂️)

I'd like to ask you take my time into consideration as well as my energy/current health. Please, Serious Inquires Only. If you don't have the money, it's OK, but we'd be wasting both of our times to talk about something that will not occur anytime soon.

*It really is better & more considerate to inquire only after you know you can & will purchase.*

Let's all be considerate, fair, & reasonable. I definitely follow & appreciate this way of operation.

Q: I get paid in/on 'X' Day, Can you hold them until then? or "Can you hold these for me? I'll have the money in..."
A; No guarantees in regards to holding shoes strictly for you. I want you to get what you desire, but this is still business at the end of the day. I believe if it's meant to be, it'll be. I have bills to pay, shoes to sell, and a life to live. If it is in stock, I will sell it to the first who buys.

I don't possibly think there could be more questions. You are buying a real pair of shoes, with an official receipt, and a guarantee by this site, the payment processor, and me. All at a price sure to move Very quickly.
(hopefully at least, for my sake lol) -- But I believe they are priced to sell. With most of my listings it'd be impossible for you to lose, but probably best to move as quickly as possible
However, I pride myself on customer service & I will reply to all messages.

-- It's a Win for you, whether you want to rock them or flip them for profit. Either way my offers are great for you in every aspect.

Thanks for your cooperation & consideration to purchase my products. I hope to do business with you ASAP.

Best wishes, my friend :)
Happy Shopping 